Професійна підготовка майбутніх заняттєвих терапевтів в університетах Канади
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Переяслав-Хмельницький (Київcька обл.)
Дисертацію присвячено вивченню проблем становлення фаху «заняттєва
терапія» та процесу професійної підготовки заняттєвих терапевтів. У роботі
розглянуто наукову літературу з цієї проблеми, здійснено теоретичний аналіз та
висвітлено зміст заняттєвої терапії як сфери професійної діяльності та технології
збереження здоров’я. З’ясовано особливості процесу заняттєвої терапії,
представлено профільну характеристику заняттєвої терапії та описано сфери її
Вивчено та теоретично обґрунтовано науково-практичний досвід підготовки
заняттєвих терапевтів в університетах Канади на всіх освітньо-кваліфікаційних
рівнях. Розроблено і впроваджено в практику навчальний модуль із заняттєвої
терапії для студентів магістерської програми за спеціальністю «Соціальна робота»
Національного університету «Львівська політехніка» та визначено позитивні результати впровадження канадського досвіду професійної освіти у цій галузі у навчальний процес.
The thesis addresses the issue of the development of the profession of «Occupational
Therapy» and professional education in this area. The scientific literature on the issue is
reviewed, a theoretical analysis of occupational therapy is done, and its content as a sphere
of professional activities and a technology of healthcare is highlighted. The majority of
scientific works in the area of occupational therapy are found to be published by foreign
scholars. The notion of «occupation» is defined as human pursuits that are goal-directed or
purposeful, performed in situations or contexts that influence the doer and others, and are
meaningful to the individual. The notion of «occupation» is considered to be a central
activity underlying occupational therapy and its functioning as a sphere of professional
activities. The features of the process of occupational therapy (the client’s needs assessment,
intervention and its outcomes) are revealed; the practical patterns of occupation and profile
characteristics of occupational therapy (the client’s areas of occupation, factors,
performance patterns and skills, professional activity demands, contexts and environment
as well as factors) are presented; and the spheres of its practical application (medicine,
rehabilitation, psychology, social sphere, spiritual sphere, and healthcare) are described.
It is indicated that the development of occupational therapy as a sphere of
professional activities and professional education resulted in the establishment of the
World Federation of Occupational Therapy (WFOT) and further development of
«Occupational Science», a new academic discipline. The requirements to the professional
education programs as released by the WFOT are explored. The five components of these
programs are determined, which are: the teaching process sequence and content, methods
of teaching, fieldwork, educators, and educational resources and facilities. The scientific
and practical experiences of training occupational therapists at Canadian universities at all
educational levels are explored and theoretically grounded. It is found out that the training
of occupational therapists begins with an undergraduate (Bachelor’s) level and continues
at a graduate (Master’s) level. Besides there are training courses for admission as well as
professional development courses. Professionally-oriented courses embrace a large
amount of time at different educational levels. In the course outline, its content and
structure are clearly presented, and the requirements for students are provided. The
curriculum includes the study of the five aspects of occupational therapy, which are: the
«person-occupation-environment» relationship and interrelation between occupation and
healthcare; a therapeutic and professional relationship; an occupational therapy process;
professional motivation and conduct; and professional practice. Each of these aspects is
characterized with a clearly defined scope of knowledge, skills and emotional, value-based
relations, which, in their turn, are developing competencies of occupational therapists.
The results of the survey targeted at needs assessment with respect to professionals
in occupational therapy and revealing attitudes towards the new profession in Ukraine
confirmed the interest in occupational therapy and its acceptance as a new profession as
well as the existing need in developing the area of professional education in occupational
therapy in Ukraine. Based on the study of the Canadian experience in the field of
occupational therapy and search for possible ways of applying this experience in Ukraine,
the training module to train social workers to apply occupational therapy was developed.
The training module «Technologies of health promotion in social work: Occupational
therapy» was taught to graduate students of the «Social work» speciality at Lviv
Polytechnic National University. The opportunities of the related subjects and field
instruction system were used for developing competencies in occupational therapy.
It is revealed that introducing occupational therapy is at its early stage in Ukraine,
and the pattern of the development of occupational therapy as a new sphere of professional
activities and professional education in Ukraine is proposed. There is the need in
popularizing occupational therapy, raising the community awareness regarding the new
profession opportunities; delivering professional development programs for social workers
and other professionals in healthcare as well as trainings for pupils and students;
developing practical spheres of occupational therapy; creating associations of occupational
therapists; using occupational therapy in rehabilitation centres, family homes, foster families; creating a legal framework for the application of occupational therapy in the
context of the new profession development in Ukraine.
заняттєва терапія, занятість, професійна підготовка, заняттєвий терапевт, наука про занятість, технологія збереження здоров’я, occupational therapy, occupation, technology of healthcare, occupational science, professional education, training occupational therapists
Багрій І. П. Професійна підготовка майбутніх заняттєвих терапевтів в університетах Канади [Текст] : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. пед. наук : [спец.] 13.00.04 "Теорія і методика професійної освіти" / Іванна Петрівна Багрій ; [наук. кер. Н. М. Гайдук] ; М-во освіти і науки України, ДВНЗ "Переяслав-Хмельниц. ДПУ ім. Григорія Сковороди", НУ «Львівська політехніка». – Переяслав-Хмельницький (Київcька обл.), 2016. – 20 с. – Бібліогр.: с. 17-18 (15 назв).