Измерение сформированости профессиональной компетентности студентов педагогического университета

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Varna University of Management


В статье обсуждаются вопросы использования комплекса диагностических процедур с целью выяснения сформированности профессиональной компетентности будущих учителей. Доказана целесообразность диагностирования мотивационно-ценностного, когнитивно-деятельностного и личностно-рефлексивного компонентов. Предложена поведенческих проявлений авторская составляющих диагностическая профессиональной методика выявления компетентности за положительными и отрицательными индикаторами. The purpose of the article is in testing complex diagnostic methods for determining the level of formation of professional competence of future teachers. This study involves the analysis of the fundamental contradictions between the process of professional teacher training and diagnostic tools to determine the level of their professional competence. The results of analysis of contemporary literature shows lack of research devoted to the above mentioned problems that interferes the implementation of an effective system of training teachers. There are a limited number of publications which address the problem of complex diagnostics of students of pedagogical universities. Selected diagnostic tool includes determination of indicators of professional competence, which includes the following components: motivational-value (the value-oriented, differential- psychological competence); cognitive-activity (objective, strategic, methodical, informational-technological, organizational competence); personal-reflexive (socio-communicative, creative and innovative, Health-saving, environmental, auto-psychological competence). In order to improve the process of diagnosing professional competence of future teachers and to correct the level of formation of its components, the author proposed a proven diagnostic technique. It is based on principles used by the international company «SHL» in conducting Interview Competency with managers and graduates. Further research will focus on the creation of developmental programs for students of pedagogical universities.



педагогическая диагностика, профессиональная компетентность, будущие учителя, студенты, индикаторы поведенческих проявлений профессиональной компетентности, pedagogical diagnostics, professional competence, future teachers, students, indicators of behavioral manifestations of professional competence


Шапран Ю. П. Измерение сформированости профессиональной компетентности студентов педагогического университета / Ю. П. Шапран // Yearbook of Varna University of Management – V. VIII. – Dobrich : Varna University of Management. – 2015. – С. 161–169.
